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Choreography versus Improvisation

A moment frozen in time improvising to the Georges Lammam Ensemble at Hot Raqs 2022.

"Which do you prefer, choreography or improvisation?"

This is a common "this or that" type question among belly dancers, usually leading to interesting conversations or even debate. Choreography and improvisation in raqs sharqi (belly dance) are two ways of approaching dancing that are often viewed as dichotomous.

I have been in dance classes and on dance teams since I was a child, so I was basically raised on eight counts and predetermined routines. Choreography has also always been one of my strengths as a dancer. Anyone who has worked with me in dance knows that I pick up choreography quickly and easily and have a great memory for it - I learn it fast and retain it well. But with raqs sharqi, for a long time in my solo performances, I was all improv all the way. So which do I prefer?

I would compare it to writing versus talking. Have you ever had one of those moments where the right words you wanted to use flowed seamlessly off of your tongue and you felt almost impressed by how well you put your thoughts into words on the spot? And then in other instances, you had to take time to put some thought into what you wanted to say, maybe even writing it out and making some changes to it, needing time to find the right word choice or phrasing that you wanted to use?

That's how I see dance. Sometimes when I am improvising, I feel so -IN- it, it's flowing, I hit all of the important moments, I'm feeling it, and what comes out is amazing because of how in the music, in my body, in my feelings, and in the moment I am. When that magic happens, it is better than any preplanned choreography.

BUT that does not happen all the time. So it is risky - what if I choose to improvise in this big performance and what comes out isn't that great? That can be frustrating, knowing that I could have better expressed the music with my body.

That is why I love choreographing to a piece of music that I fall in love with, especially when it is complex, like a Tarab song (a classical raqs sharqi song). I enjoy taking my time when creating a choreography, to let it develop and evolve. The music is always my guide above all else; I need the music first to create the choreography. Music comes first, then the choreography in raqs sharqi, always.

I love that when I choreograph, I can take the time to truly choose how I want to express the music at each moment so that in the end I can step back and look at my work with the satisfaction of knowing that I said what I wanted to say.

What are your thoughts on choreography versus improvisation in raqs sharqi?

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